You can use the calendar below to book a slot for one of our volunteers to help you one-to-one. As with our normal sessions, we provide tools, and use of the workshop, and advice from a volunteer. Used and new parts are available to buy. We ask for 5 Euro per hour for your time in the workshop to cover our running costs.
Booking instructions
Slots where we are available to help are shown in green.
Bookings already made are shown in red.
Scroll to the right to today’s date or later and find a green slot with no red booking shown under it. You can use the < and > arrows next to the daterange for example to look at next week. Decide when to start and how much time you think you’ll need (usually 15 mins to 2 hours). Then click just under the green block in the “Customer bookings” row, and a form with further details will appear, where you should check and adjust the time and date if needed, and provide your name and contact details.
We will remove bookings where no contact details are provided, and we may shorten a longer booking if there is high demand, in which call we’ll let you know.
To protect your information, only our customers can see this page, and only our volunteers can see your name and contact details once you have booked.
You can view this calendar in a full screen here.